Trip 2012 Video

Trip 2011 Video

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Trip 2012 Feedback

To CBC Team,
It's actually us that need to be saying the THANK YOU'S to you guys.  You blessed us so much by being willing to come over and take the time to see what we are doing, stand alongside us and input into our lives and the lives of those we seek to serve.
We appreciate you all, and from all at 'Mind the Gap', a huge thank you for the time spent, the teaching given and the fun had.
I like the bit about us seeing you this year Robin!!  We know you can't keep away for long!!
No seriously whenever you are able to come we will be looking forward to your visit.
Every blessing to Carroll Baptist Church and to all your families, please thank them from us for allowing you to be away so you could minister to us.
With grateful thanks, Jenny

Dear Team
We would like to thank you friends for leaving your comfort ,your friends ,children etc and come to Zim to be a blessing to us . We thank you for all the encouragement , input and the way you impacted us with the gospel. We are profoundly grateful for the way you  challenged us to live Christ centred lives , have Christ centred homes and lead Christ centred churches and we are quiet sure that though the time was short but  our lives, homes and churches will never be the same again.

Jennifer and myself have been very much encouraged by the testimonies that we have heard from the leaders in the community especially on how the conference changed their worldviews on having a Christ centred family . Some of them have been proposing to us to consider running marriage seminars on monthly basis as a follow up to the challenge they got during the conference. Apart from the testimonies of adults ,we have had 2 children giving testimonies on the three lessons they learnt during the conference, and we would like to say thank you to you  all as  the team for impacting and transforming lives in this country.

One of our children`s teachers is very much motivated that he has decided to run a children`s camp next week as a follow up to what Robin challenged them with, and this is  going to be followed up by children` s weekly bible study times. Please pray for us that the fire that was ignited in us will continue to burn unto eternity and that we will make an eternal impact on those that we lead.

We pray the favor and blessings of God to be upon all the members of Carroll Baptist Church and all your families for releasing you to come to minister to us here in Zim.
Gideon & Jennifer  

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