Trip 2012 Video

Trip 2011 Video

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ministry Day 1

Today was Day 1 of ministry.
Pastor Steve and Greg ministered to the pastors and Ricky led worship with about 30 men pastors and about 40 women.  Robin ministered to the church children’s teachers, 9 of them - 3 the same from last year, at the orphanage the church runs down the road.  Lucy was just a little bit away at the village school and had a wonderful time with the head mistress (principal) explaining how she was wanting to minister with the teachers and children the next 2 days.  She said it was very successful.

Kathy then took just the women in the afternoon after lunch.  There was not enough food because more came than planned so thanks to Angie we ate on our variety of snacks!!  We were told by Sheila tonight that the reaction Kathy received to her ministering which at first was a bit of shock turning to weeping and hugging is because women pastors here do not open up because of their high place of status and respect among the church people.  Sheila said they were probably in awe of the openness of her and that it will really produce much fruit with them.  God is so good.
The pastors and the children’s teachers ended up at the school in the afternoon since the ladies were using the church.  Robin had about 80 children (with more watching on who do not normally attend the church for their daily feeding of the children) for the Bible club.  Her 10 teachers took what she had planned and it was fun to watch them in their own unique environment!
Kay had a successful day at both Mind the Gap orphanages and says despite what Tinashe’s caregivers have said, he CAN learn and they will focus on potty training...which is the beginning of a possible several year process.  But we have a miracle-working GOD so PRAY for sooner!  She also enjoyed getting to know all the children and visiting with the caregivers.
Traci and Jason spent their morning at the Sandra Jones Centre.  They participated in Tammy’s (Pastor Jeff’s wife) Bible story time with about 60 girls and boys...they are working their way through the story of Joseph.  They also experienced a wonderful and awesome time of worship listening to them sing to their Lord.  Jason said it was amazing and videoed every minute!
(Hope to have pics of these too when I get their camera cards!);)
We are thankful for what God is doing and please keep praying.  Traci was out in her back tonight and struggling with it daily.  A few are still a bit jet lagged and the feeling of being overwhelmed by the need to depend on the Lord is great. And that is a good thing.  You will be glad to know prayers for Kay have been answered...there were no and still are no fears or anxieties about ANYthing!!  Also Greg’s bag came in yesterday (Tuesday).  We are learning to depend on Him more and more... He is our Jehovah-Jireh, our Provider.  It is about HIM and we ARE seeing HIM WORK!  

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