Trip 2012 Video

Trip 2011 Video

Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday - Last Day at Hope Fountain

What a powerful day.  God proved his character as Jehovah Jireh!  From providing the extra toothbrushes needed to complete the filling of the ladies bags to His Spirit leading Lucy to already have gathered and brought to teach just what the children were learning, our God provides, in His time, in His ways, and by faith.
Highlights from today were having Jason and Kay join the team at Hope Fountain to experience their worship and meet more of our brothers and sisters in Christ here in Africa.  It was an amazing time and singing and dancing before the Lord!  You’ll see later on video that there were high-kicks involved...but you can guess they weren’t by any of us!
The men continued their teaching, taking the afternoon session to a homestead of a church member.  Greg and Steve experienced God’s mighty power describing how all 30 of them filled an empty 12X12 room singing “How Great is Our God” together.  They said it was truly an experience that cannot be expressed by words.
Robin had a powerful experience with her last day with her teachers at the homestead of another church member...overlooking the hills and her maize garden.  The hunger for the word to teach their children in their churches is still indescribable. The first day she had 9 and by the last day she had 14!  At Bible club in the afternoon the number of children grew from 76 to 103...all in a school classroom!  She has an amazing story of confirmation in coming to Zimbabwe to share when we return...
Kathy too had another fabulous day of teaching and sharing who our God is with the women.  They are amazed at her openness and they all fell in love with one another this week.  
  Kathy giving out the ladies' bags...
It was such a blessing to give all the participants their certificates of completion and all the ladies their gift sacks!  They were so excited to receive them and it was an honor to see how our church women back home was blessing the women here in Zimbabwe without even having been here! Pictures to come....(hopefully!).  The children’s materials were also divided up among the churches to their leaders and were they ready to receive those!  Robin heard stories throughout the days of how they had used up every bit of the resources we provided last year....just waiting to be replenished.  Thank you church!!
Traci had a successful and Spirit-filled day at Windles as she shared the Gospel and planted the seed of trusting in Jesus as their Savior when they feel led by Him.  She will continue to water those seeds in prayer and one more time with them on Monday.
And to add to yesterday...Pastor Steve gave the men the bag of ties and it was an awesome thing to watch them pull them out with grins from ear to ear, look them over and try and choose the best that went with their coat that day (possibly the only coat they own).  Many were proudly wearing them today.... blessed.  Again, hopefully pictures to come....

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