Trip 2012 Video

Trip 2011 Video

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday in Zimbabwe

Steve preached at Bulawayo Baptist.  His message was "To live is Christ?" And challenged us in asking how we would fill in "To me to live is_______."  Very powerful and gospel-driven.  Then he, Greg and Ricky left with Pastor Cosmos for Plumtree's pastor's conference.  The rest of the team went to a "brie" lunch with many church members and another mission team.  It was an sweet time of fellowship and laughter...and of course, tea.  Then Traci and Jason gave their testimonies at the youth service back at the church in the evening.  (Pics to come ...)

1 comment:

  1. We are so encouraged by your reports! We are continuing to pray that the Father will be glorified in every aspect of your journey. We love and miss you all. All's well here.
