Trip 2012 Video

Trip 2011 Video

Monday, March 12, 2012

Made it to Zimbabwe!

We made it to Zimbabwe!!  Customs went pretty well although we did pay duty on all the tubs...about 25% and they didn't bother going through most of it since we had the itemized pricing that was good!  Pray that Greg's lost large duffel bag gets found and here lost somewhere along the way....hopefully it's on it's way and will be here tomorrow!  

We will tour our ministry areas tomorrow and have a little more down time for our busy rest of the week.  We had a great time of fellowship with our host families; dinner together and then worship with Ricky and TK (worship leaders, for those who don't know them) on the porch under the star-lit sky watching shooting stars as we praised our Maker!  Excited to see what the Lord has in store...

At the Bulawayo airport after customs...

Tammy & Jeff Scorzeill, pastor of Bulawayo Baptist...

Lucy with Sheila Derks, with whom some of us are staying and is cooking all our meals!

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