Trip 2012 Video

Trip 2011 Video

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Saturday - 2nd Chance Rehabilitation Centre

While the rest of the team were in groups in town and in Kwe Kwe, Pastor Steve had the privilege to take a tour of our host John Derks' ministry called Second Chance Rehabilitaion Centre.  This is a Christian halfway home for the after-care of ex-prisoners which provides Christ-centered rehabilitation and life skills training to help empower and integrate them back into society.  This is made possible by donors from the community in order for participants to be self-supportive.  As of March 2012 they have about 50 participants.

As of now they have a tailor shop and are making 
uniforms for a company.  The next project in the works is to build a construction warehouse to build coffins.  And eventually they would like to add a poultry area for raising chickens for eggs and meat selling.  Amazingly enough God has ALREADY provided the buyers of all these entities, they just need the funds to get going on each project! 

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