Trip 2012 Video

Trip 2011 Video

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Day in Pictures

Lunch at the Motsi's

Jason and Kay enjoying yet another cup o' tea... We may float home we've had so much! 
 But it's oh, so good!!
 Jason helping Tina learn how to ride a bike.  Pray for Tina as she suffered much this past year from arthritis...they almost lost her...
 This is Sharon.  She is now Sheila and John's, whom we are living with.  She is the sweetest.  They decided to take her in about 3 years ago after she was abandoned.  A common story.
 Kathy and Angela Motsi with Tina Motsi.  Angela cooked all our dinners last year and all the lunch food this day...the sweetest lady!!
 A sweet fellowship with a mix of ethnicities, races, colors, and cultures - Shona, N'debelle, American, English, Australian.... a taste of what heaven will be like!

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