Trip 2012 Video

Trip 2011 Video

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Work Day 3

Get you kleenex boxes ready....

Steve was demonstrating servant-leadership with a foot washing on his last day. He started with 3 pastors as example. By the end he had done all 45 pastors and their wives. He said they were shaking as he washed their rough blistered feet after walking miles on rocky roads to get there.

Singing during the Bible Club. Nothing sweeter.

This is just a taste of our worship here...I came in just at the end of this. Right after this they asked us to join them more fully and we all moved up and sang and danced - I mean DANCED in worship (well, most of us...the ones with rhythm!). Their voices are angelic and echo loud off the concrete walls beautifully. I hope to post a full song after tomorrow's worship service. Can't wait to join in completely then! And I can't even begin to explain their praying - Oo-Ay!

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