Trip 2012 Video

Trip 2011 Video

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Work Day 1

We have truly experienced Africa and God's mighty working power!

We were running late and as we arrived they were singing praises - beautiful! He was told to plan for 30. 60 showed up. And tomorrow - they said to expect 100. Word has gotten out! Many of the pastors shared with him that they are HIV positive. This is what they referred to as their "B.C. Days" - "before Christ."
Praise be to God!

Go-go Lucy went to the school. She observed several classrooms grades 0-3. She was told the teachers walk 1 hour to get to school in the morning. And all the kids walk to - at least that long or longer. And many barefoot on rocky roads. Just about everyone walks here everywhere they go. The kids were not fed today - many of their only meals. Lucy could observe that result in the classroom. Tomorrow she gets to teach a lesson!
Praise be to God!

Greg got to experience "true Africa" today in the bush with Sherrie by making home medical visits. The local village pastor's wife sets up the appointments for Sherrie and she spends a couple of days a week doing this. These are on compounds with several adobe-type dwellings with thatched roofs. Lucy and I got to go on the last visit - we sat under a jackelberry tree on a homemade straw mat by a hut watching Greg take the blood pressure of this 70 year old woman and her friend. God used Sherrie to basically save her life a couple of weeks ago and now she is stable!
Praise be to God!

Traci went to both orphanages we had visited the first day - one in the morning with the toddlers, the other in the afternoon with school-age. The Lord used her to simply share His love and sweet touch with these that have little attention. There are about 8-10 at each home. Holding, playing, teaching Bible stories and reading to were her activities. She was drawn to a little girl the first day who no one had seen smile. Traci prayed and the Lord answered. She smiled for Traci. And hugged her and played soccer with her. The Lord is using her to heal this little one.
Praise be to God!

And I (Robin) was humbled by the 6 children's teachers who came eagerly to hear what "the American" had to share. Talk about pressure and meeting expectations! But God! I leatrned so much as well. That the Lord has called each of them through different circumstances to care for and teach children. They have the same issues as we. A blessing and reassurance the at the cross of calvary the ground is level. May God grow us closer in fellowship and may I learn them by name (their names are so hard to pronounce!) and pray by HIS Spirit what their needs are. They share tea daily around 10 a.m. wherever they are. I was able to join them today. A custom I would love for us Americans to duplicate. It would cause us to slow down and nurture relationships.
Praise be to God!

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