Trip 2012 Video

Trip 2011 Video

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tour Day

Sherrie Bumstead, the missionary here, decided that our first full day in Zimbabwe would be touring the places where we will be serving - teaching & preaching.

We stopped first in Hope Fountain at Pastor Gideon and Jennifer's home to meet them and visit about the pastor's conference. What an amazing work they are doing in rural Zim! Pastor Gideon's goal is to be able to have a pastor's conference at least annually with mainly the rural pastors. He feels they are just left out of many resources that those in the city have easy access to.

We headed from there to their church there in the village. There were men and women there that were obviously preparing it for the 3 day pastor's conference starting tomorrow (Thursday). Women sweeping the 3 year old building (for years before that it was basically a lean-to tent), men working in the yard and others delivering plants for decoration. The people are so gracious and friendly. Our brothers and sisters in Christ!

From there we went to the school in the village where the children greeted us with giggles and hugs running in and out of their classrooms. It was in full work mode as we saw them having recess and reciting lessons out loud from the teachers. We also met the headmaster and toured the kitchen area and "God's Garden" they have started - a biblical way of gardening. Sherrie has arranged for Go-go (Lucy) to go into the school classes to observe and help Thursday and Friday!

We then journeyed on to see our first orphanage that is also located in the village. There were no children there, as they were all in school, but we were able to get a good idea of how they live and where they are taught about their Savior. In the middle of the 4-5 housing buildings was a large thatched-roof amphitheater overlooking the valley below and mountains across. This is where we will be teaching VBS and having the children's teacher training. It's difficult to imagine living day to day here as these children do considering all the conveniences we have in America, but the Lord knows this is the best place for His little ones. It's a blessing for them to have a place where His ways are taught..and He provides.

Sherrie then took us back into Bulawayo to visit 2 orphanges operated by the same Christian woman, Jenny. (Sorry - having trouble with first names so last names are out of the question!) These are what she calls “Forever Homes.” These children won’t be adopted or moved; they will stay there together for the rest of their lives. There are 8-10 in each home and each home has a “Mommy” and a couple of “Aunties” who are named so as to create a family atmosphere. And between the homes they call each other cousins for the same reason. These children come here mainly because of abandonment - left and found on the side of the road or in the bush, given to them, left in the care of a hospital or because their parents’ death. Unthinkable to us. But now they have a home. And God-fearing, Bible teaching ones at that, so praise be to God! Precious children, precious care-takers.

Jenny’s response when asked what the biggest needs were was large diapers for the older children who needed them (one is paralyzed and one mentally disabled at one home), backpacks for all the children for school (which we will get to do while we are here!), and the most needed - people. Help. House parents. So much need. God is opening doors of possibility. Please pray!

There will be more to write as we debrief tonight and share what the Lord put on our hearts personally after our day.

1 comment:

  1. Following your journey from here! Praying that your every word, every step will be God-ordained and fruitful. Luke most recently prayed "that they will do the work that they are supposed to do and whatever work they don't get to finish I want to go there to help finish it." Love it. Love you guys!
    The Goldens
