Trip 2012 Video

Trip 2011 Video

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 2 - Work Day

A taste of what each one of us has been doing these past 2 days...

Steve preaching to about 60-70 pastors from all over the rural areas,
walking miles to get there everyday:
(He's been preaching for 4 hours each day with little break. His voice doesn't show it at all!)
Greg making home medical visits in the bush with Sherrie:
(They've seen about 35-40 patients so far)
Traci ministering to children in the orphanages:
(She's been able to see a smile-less child smile and teach them Bible stories.)
Lucy was able to observe and even teach a couple of lessons at the village school:
(She even taught the teachers a thing or two! And the P.E. teacher about fell over with joy when he was given the soccer ball pump and needles. Yes, the pump & needles, not the ball.)
Robin with the group of children's teachers she taught for a "Teacher Seminar":
(They all walk 30-40 minutes each day to get there. The girl in the orange skirt, Nukuthula, took 2 days off work and she and her 1 year old daughter are staying with her pastor for these 4 days so she would not have to travel as far. Talk about humbling.)

Continue praying, especially as we are exhausted, but encouraged by KNOWING without a doubt God is in control by the obvious ways He has shown Himself so far. Pray as we continue to depend on Him, to allow the Holy Spirit to work through us, to give us safety in traveling on extremely rough (I'm talking, feeling-like-you-just-did-P90X workout rough) roads, having open eyes for opportunities to share His gospel, and whatever the Lord lays on your heart. HE is a miraculous-working God and what you are praying He is answering. Thank you and praise to Him!

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