Trip 2012 Video

Trip 2011 Video

Monday, March 28, 2011

"He Who began a good work in you..."

(From Robin)

This is the verse which has stuck with me since our return. Phil. 1:6 in it's fullness says this:

"For I am confident in this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."

That is the promise I feel this group and our church has received regarding what He has done in Zimbabwe, Africa through us and Sherrie. We all felt that this was only the beginning. Praise God! He made Himself POWERFULLY known. None of us want that to end. We want His glory shown whether we are on mission in Africa or whether we are here in our daily routines. The trip itself was the restarting of a fire that needs to continue. It will be hard, it will require perseverance, it will take lots of prayer, and accountability must take place. But above all, dependance on the Lord, our mighty God, the Creator of all things. And seeking and showing His GLORY in ALL things.

On one of the return flights that first day, I read in my devotional for that day this verse in Genesis 32:9,11:

"Then Jacob prayed, 'O, Lord Who said to me, 'Go back to your country and your relatives, and I will make you prosper...'"

God is so good. You drawn near to Him and He draws near to you. And we must be willing to hear HIM, not what we want to hear. We must be open. Many times in our culture, people try and distort the word "prosper" in scripture. In America we immediately think money or material wealth. Other versions say "treat you kindly" and "do you good." What a promise! But we must continue to glorify Him and depend on Him for all things. All things.

On the Sunday of the trip we were there, the Lord brought to me in morning devotion time the reminders of these 2 verses:
Psalm 51:14 - "Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving..."
2 Cor. 6:10 - "Sorrowful, yet always rejoicing."

So I asked the Lord to show me, that day, what it truly looked like to give a sacrifice of thanksgiving and to rejoice in suffering. And as I sat worshiping with the people at Praise and Worship Center in the village, He clearly said, "Here is it." See video below:

Check back often. This blog will continue as a place of sharing more stories and a place of showing what God is planning for His Kingdom's work in Zimbabwe.

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