Trip 2012 Video

Trip 2011 Video

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday Ministries

Bulawayo Baptist Rural Pastor’s Conference... 15 pastors from surrounding villages.  The church supports these pastors in various ways; headed by Associate Pastor Chris.  These men, too, were hungry for the Word and knowledge.  They, too, asked for us to come longer, and to let them know so they can ask more church leaders to come.  They are so, so hungry...

 Bulawayo Baptist Soup Kitchen... Kathy and Kay helped the twice a week ministry serve the poorest of the poor in the church’s feeding ministry.   They served 125 on Tuesday.

Sandra Jones... These children are all saved from lives of sexual abuse.  The little ones too and the babies whom are born from the abuse.  Debbie is the director and Tammy Scorzeill has been extremely involved since her and her husband coming here a year ago.  They do an amazing job.  Please be praying for them as they seek funding in order to move closer to town by buying a beautiful hotel called Del Rio.  They would be able to house many, many more girls.  In the past 10 years they’ve had over 300 come through... A very needed and powerful ministry.

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