Trip 2012 Video

Trip 2011 Video

Monday, March 19, 2012


Immediately after Jason shared his testimony on Sunday night, Pastor Jeff asked the youth if anyone had any questions.  One question asked was why he decided to come to Zimbabwe.  He explained that he was truly uncertain until a day he heard testimonies on the radio about girls sold into the sex slave business in a country in Africa touching him deeply until he was weeping.  That evening at the Africa team meeting was when Pastor Steve gave the news that we have the opportunity to go to a place in Bulawayo called the Sandra Jones Center which was for girls abused in the same way.  He knew then that was his confirmation to go to Africa.
Immediately after sharing this, a woman in the audience at the youth service stood up and asked him about his older brother whom him had shared about.  She asked to pray for him and did so on the spot.  Turns out, this was Debbie the director of Sandra Jones.  She came to Jason after the service promising to continue praying for Chris to turn his life over to Jesus.  Isn’t God amazing!!

Traci shared at one of our Wednesday night Africa meetings before we left that her goal was to plant seeds of the gospel in the children of the Mind the Gap orphan homes.  She was praying for at least one to come to Christ while she was there and after she had had her Bible Clubs.  Monday afternoon at the Windles home, 2 girls came to Christ!  Pray for Angela and Primrose  as they begin their walk with Jesus!

Primrose...pray also for her as she struggles in school because of being paralyzed & having head trauma form being hit by a car at the age of 3...

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