Trip 2012 Video

Trip 2011 Video

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Our travel days in pictures...

Descent into Johannesburg:

Our very comfortable lodging in Joburg:

Breakfast at the airport before our flight into Zim:

We made it to the Scorzeill’s!

From since I started, personally this verse has been pressed upon me - through personal devotion, prayer cards (thank you friends!!), & song:

“It is the Lord who goes before you.  He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you.  Do not fear or be dismayed.”
Deut. 31:8

The Lord has gone before us.  The flight into Zim was light and the Lord blessed us with a member of Bulawayo Baptist as one of the airport workers.  He connected us with luggage helpers and, praise God, we only had to pay $58 total in customs fees!  We were prepared for much much more but the Lord has other plans for that!  Our travel has been smooth and comfortable, so we are thankful for those God-given graces.

Thank you for praying for Robin B.  She has the exact same flights now booked and is leaving out from Austin on Sunday and will arrive Tuesday noon here.  Pray for an even smoother, comfortable trip and ease of connections throughout as she’s traveling alone.  All we know is that circumstances such as those remind us of God’s trustworthiness.  He is sovereign, He knows the reasons and so we trust.

And now for some rest.... zzzzzzz......
Um, no,'s off to Sandra Jones for a visit!  
So maybe more pics later if there's time and energy! ;O

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