Trip 2012 Video

Trip 2011 Video

Saturday, March 16, 2013

FINAL DAY at Hope Fountain

 "And I, then I came to you brothers, did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom.  For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ & Him crucified.  And I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling, and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but the power of God."
1 Corinthians 2:1-5

Worship with Ricky:

 These are the "Proverbs 31 Women" of Hope Fountain.  They are learning crafting from an organization as a micro-business but also to become teachers themselves, traveling around Zimbabwe teaching others what they've learned.  So CBC ladies - next year bring your shopping money!
Here they were presenting their crafts - seed pictures called "illumination", picture frames, rugs, purses, & even a stuffed lamb.  They were offering the other women from the other areas help if they too were interested in this program.

Receiving their certificates of completion of the conference:

 Teachers in the church teacher training sessions:
The teachers with their supplies.  Thank you to EVERYONE who gave to make this possible! 
 Look at their smiling faces!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Conference Days 2 & 3

Some favorite quotes:

* "It is nice to know that there are others 10,000 miles away thinking and praying for us."

* "We are not only brothers & sisters in Christ who come together once a year but we are family.  True family.  Not only you that are here but also those back home."

* "We better understand the gospel & the process of how salvation works in a clearer way so we can help guard our people from false gospels."

*"We can't wait to go teach this to our people!"

*"Our parents also need this teaching to better understand the importance of how the faith is important to our children too."

Pastor Steve preaching the word!

Keps is part of a group of ladies from the church who has learned crafts made from local materials to sell.  Graduates are then considered teachers and paid to teach other women all over Zim the crafts.

Teacher training... Wonderful discussions!

Waiting for Bible club...

Ladies Bible study together... Robin worked them hard finding scriptures about their identity in Christ.

The ladies with their gifts!  I saw many wearing their bracelets the following day.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hope Fountain 2013 Conference Day 1

It was wonderful to be back at Hope Fountain! 

Sadza lunch together...

Teacher training...

Bible Club...

Looked who just flew in!

Dinner together as a full team.  So glad Robin B is here!

Harvest Family Village Tour

Monday was a restful day but had lots of different opportunities to experience Zim!  Robin went with Tammy and Robyn A to participate in their “TIme with Jesus” at Petra Primary School.  They sing songs and teach a Bible lesson every Monday.  So fun!

 We all got a tour of the new “Harvest Family Village” farm by Jenny. An Australian named Lorie has begun lots of repair work all over including the borehole, the farmhouse, & clearing off of land for chickens, pigs, vegetables, the homes for the children in the future and even an area for cattle.  Fruitful Harvest Ministries founded by Tammy Scorziell will run the self-sustaining part of farming and animal raising.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Worship & Fellowship

We enjoyed a wonderful time of Bible study, praising, and preaching at Ray Motsi’s new full-time church out in the high density area.  The church began a few years ago with around 30 and now is upwards of 100.  Amazing when you see that little building!  

Please pray as they are needing to repair the roof and plan for a future new larger building.

Please pray for this young sister (in the orange).  Her husband is a seminary student and taught an amazing Bible study before the service.  They have a 3 year old son who has major health issues including hearing, blindness, & paralyzation.

Pray for Mandrela as she is seeking provision to go to university for law.

We had a delicious lunch made by Maggie (of course! And Jenny was quick to point out - and repeat - that she did the shopping!) and fellowship at Jenny’s home with the Motsi’s and Jenny’s mum in for a few months from England.


The day ended with a special time with John Derks at the senior’s home having a church service with the people there.  Music by Ricky and devotional by Steve.  

Please be praying with us as we seek the Lord with all the needs being presented to us.  We are seeking wisdom in what to give with the surplus in provisions He's provided.  HE has a plan already so we need to hear Him clearly.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Tea time & morning spent at Sandra Jones:

Lunch in town.  Joseph's first taste of sadza, beef & greens:

Sweet time with Cosmos, Clarissa & Theodore.  She's expecting a baby girl in August.  Please pray for this difficult pregnancy and provisions needed for the baby.
The guys helping Cosmos hook up and run his projector & laptop given by people & churches in the states.  He shows the "Jesus" film in N'debele to those in the rural north.

Cookout at the Scorziell's with old & new friends!