Trip 2012 Video

Trip 2011 Video

Friday, October 26, 2012

Pastors' Update

Warm greetings to you from Zimbabwe, I hope and believe that you are all fine. Please find here-in attached the scanned financial distribution report for September offering .Thank you very much for supporting us here in Zim, may God continue to bless you with more wisdom and all the boldness to stand for the truth in a crooked and perverse world. We are still hoping and praying for us to have the Pastors’ conference and would like to ask you to keep on praying for breakthroughs for us together with you to be able to run the conference next year.

We hope and believe that you are still praying and considering the prospect of running the correspondence Bible training. We are this end praying about it and would like to see it running. We are currently working on establishing a Bible resource Centre whereby we are collecting material that people can use to enhance their understanding of the word of God, so please pray for us that we get material that is very relevant and that which will help people grow in the knowledge of God. Please just pray with us for us to see this becoming a reality.

Pass our regards to your family and the Church under your care.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Prayers for Pastors

Warm greetings to you from the hot weather of Bulawayo. Would you please join hands with us in praying for Pastor Joseph Zvidavo, who has not been feeling well for the past days. We haven’t gone to see him yet since he lives in the other province which is a bit far away for us  but his wife has been communicating with us about their situation that he has been very weak physically that he spend every day lying down in bed . Jennifer and I have been praying for him and his family and we thought it to be good also to communicate with you so that we can pray together for this family.

Apart from him, Pastor Kenneth Linda`s son was admitted at hospital last week and the family is waiting for a report from the doctor. It seems like he has got TB but this is just an assumption based on symptoms of TB that we know. We managed to visit this family during the weekend and prayed with them and again we saw it fit for us to communicate with you so that the Church that end can also pray for the Pastors this side.

These Pastors are really part of our family and that’s why we gave them the freedom to share with us the challenges they face in the ministry, so that we stand with them in prayer. We have also opened our home for them to come and rest whenever they feel the need to do so, for we really do appreciate the work they do in these remote areas. We do appreciate you very much for all the support you are rendering to these men and women of God, THANK YOU.


Monday, October 1, 2012

Christ-Centered Families Workshop

As a follow up to our last conference, we held a 2 day workshop on building Christ centered families this past weekend. Most of the material that we used was from the workbook that we used during the last conference, thank you very much for coming up with the workbook, its really going a long way in building up families. We focused more on couples under the age of 40 this time around and not just leaders but brethren from the community. We had also time to discuss on some issues that were raised up  in the last conference when people said that some issues like that of men helping their wives to change children`s diapers etc.  are taboos in our culture. In short we had really a wonderful time with these married people and thank God we saw one couple that had problems being restored during the workshop. We would like to let you know that your ministry is building up families thereby transforming our communities. At the end we all agreed that we are going to be the salt and light in our society and slowly our communities will emulate the life that we live. Please find here-in below the picture of couples who attended the workshop

We will let you know once there is a final announcement on the election date. We hope and pray that this will not disturb our plans of having the conference in March next year for our people are geared up to have the conference.