Trip 2012 Video

Trip 2011 Video

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Update on Hope Fountain Children's Ministry

It’s a blessing to know that you are about to come again to Zim. We are very much excited about it and are also getting ready for your coming. Today Pastor Joseph`s wife phoned me to find out whether you are coming and she felt so much encouraged to hear that you are coming again early next year.

Our mid week children`s ministry has been going on very well, and Justice has been running it three times a week i.e. every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. We are so much grateful to you because this ministry is having a great impact on the lives of children. Last week all these children together with Justice had a wonderful party of praising and thanking God for taking them throughout the whole year. Thank you very much for being part of what God is doing in the lives of these children.


Friday, November 30, 2012

December 2012 Children's Camp

Warm greeting to you from the hot weather of Bulawayo, how are you and your family. I would like to let you know that Justice and our Children`s Church team has come up with the dates for the December children`s camp which is going to be bigger than the other two camps we held this year. We are going to have the camp as from the 23rd  up to the 28th  of December at Peniel Centre and we are looking forward to have between 50 and 60 children all from Hope fountain area coming to attend this camp. We are also planning to invite child psychologists who would help us by providing counselling to some of the children especially those that come from abusive families.

Our desire is to bring total healing to orphans and vulnerable children through these camps, so would you please join us by praying for enough finances for the camp, divine wisdom as we meet children from different backgrounds, creative ways of ministering to these children.  Pray also that we will see a number of them making a decision to follow Jesus.

We are planning also to have an “Everyone`s banquet” where we will give these children an opportunity to celebrate their birthdays together, with a cake for each month of the year. Please pray with us for God`s provision as we plan to celebrate Christmas with these children. We are also going to invite the whole community on the 28th of December and give the children an opportunity to minister to adults from the community, so please pray also for boldness and courage on the part of the children who are going to present something to the community.

Thank you very much for partnering with us in brightening the future of the children.



Wednesday, November 28, 2012

2013 Pastor's Conference Plans

I pray and hope that you had a very wonderful thanksgiving time. We are all fine this side, its beginning to rain and the whether is a little bit cool this week.

I have been talking with some Pastors about the conference next year, and many of them are very much excited about it and they are agreeing with the suggestion of having the one conference at Mthombothemba with extended days so that they get much out of it. I also tried to talk with the other Pastors from the other region who are also excited but are a little bit concerned that due to difference of languages (since they speak a different language from the one we speak here in Bulawayo) some of their leaders who do not understand English might find it difficult to understand everything since translation is done in Ndebele. We are praying and talking with them that they send their key Pastors especially those who understand English so that after the conference they meet with their leaders and dish out what they would have learnt to their leaders.  Our team is also prepared to provide accommodation for the Pastors who will come from afar; there is only the need for food. We are ready for the conference.

Today we have been praying about the correspondence training after the conference and would like to let you know that its something that we are seriously considering doing as a way of providing training and encouragement to Pastors in very remote areas. We hope that we will talk more about it when you come for our desire is to see these men and women of God discipled that they transform their communities with the power of the word of God.
How are the preparations going that end, how many people are prepared to come with you this time. Is Kathy coming as well, do we have to consider preparing something for the ladies? Please be assured that we are praying for you as you prepare the teachings for next year.
Pass our regards to the team.
Gideon & Jennifer

Friday, October 26, 2012

Pastors' Update

Warm greetings to you from Zimbabwe, I hope and believe that you are all fine. Please find here-in attached the scanned financial distribution report for September offering .Thank you very much for supporting us here in Zim, may God continue to bless you with more wisdom and all the boldness to stand for the truth in a crooked and perverse world. We are still hoping and praying for us to have the Pastors’ conference and would like to ask you to keep on praying for breakthroughs for us together with you to be able to run the conference next year.

We hope and believe that you are still praying and considering the prospect of running the correspondence Bible training. We are this end praying about it and would like to see it running. We are currently working on establishing a Bible resource Centre whereby we are collecting material that people can use to enhance their understanding of the word of God, so please pray for us that we get material that is very relevant and that which will help people grow in the knowledge of God. Please just pray with us for us to see this becoming a reality.

Pass our regards to your family and the Church under your care.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Prayers for Pastors

Warm greetings to you from the hot weather of Bulawayo. Would you please join hands with us in praying for Pastor Joseph Zvidavo, who has not been feeling well for the past days. We haven’t gone to see him yet since he lives in the other province which is a bit far away for us  but his wife has been communicating with us about their situation that he has been very weak physically that he spend every day lying down in bed . Jennifer and I have been praying for him and his family and we thought it to be good also to communicate with you so that we can pray together for this family.

Apart from him, Pastor Kenneth Linda`s son was admitted at hospital last week and the family is waiting for a report from the doctor. It seems like he has got TB but this is just an assumption based on symptoms of TB that we know. We managed to visit this family during the weekend and prayed with them and again we saw it fit for us to communicate with you so that the Church that end can also pray for the Pastors this side.

These Pastors are really part of our family and that’s why we gave them the freedom to share with us the challenges they face in the ministry, so that we stand with them in prayer. We have also opened our home for them to come and rest whenever they feel the need to do so, for we really do appreciate the work they do in these remote areas. We do appreciate you very much for all the support you are rendering to these men and women of God, THANK YOU.


Monday, October 1, 2012

Christ-Centered Families Workshop

As a follow up to our last conference, we held a 2 day workshop on building Christ centered families this past weekend. Most of the material that we used was from the workbook that we used during the last conference, thank you very much for coming up with the workbook, its really going a long way in building up families. We focused more on couples under the age of 40 this time around and not just leaders but brethren from the community. We had also time to discuss on some issues that were raised up  in the last conference when people said that some issues like that of men helping their wives to change children`s diapers etc.  are taboos in our culture. In short we had really a wonderful time with these married people and thank God we saw one couple that had problems being restored during the workshop. We would like to let you know that your ministry is building up families thereby transforming our communities. At the end we all agreed that we are going to be the salt and light in our society and slowly our communities will emulate the life that we live. Please find here-in below the picture of couples who attended the workshop

We will let you know once there is a final announcement on the election date. We hope and pray that this will not disturb our plans of having the conference in March next year for our people are geared up to have the conference.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Summer Children's Camp: August 2012

CHILDREN`S  CAMP  August  2012  
Venue:  Peniel  Centre   #  of  Children  who  participated:  35:  14  boys  and  21  girls   Age  group:  8-­‐  15years.  

The  camp  was  attended  by  35  children  between  the  ages,  8-­‐  15,  from  the  community  of   Mthombothemba.  The  main  aim  of  this  camp  was  to  make   these  children  know  God  as  well  as  to  provide  comfort  and  
counsel  to  some  of  them  who  are  living  positively  with  the   HIV  virus.  We  had  a  number  of  children  who  are  HIV  positive   who  attended  this  camp,  who  had  a  lot  of  questions  about   their  status.  With  the  grace  of  God  we  managed  to  talk  and   provide  counsel  and  hope  to  these  children.  One  boy  Prince   who  is  14  years  old  was  at  one  time  on  tears  when  he  could   not  play  with  others  because  his  body  was  very  much  weak  ,   he  blamed  everyone  for  this  condition  ,  his  parents,  his   grandmother  who  is  staying  with  him  and  as  well  as  God.  Our
team  managed  to  minister  to  him  and  at  the  end  of  the  camp  he  was  able  to  understand  and  accept   God`s  love  for  him.  We  also  realized  that  this  is  going  to  be  a  process  for  him  to  fully  understand  God`s   love,  so  we  made  a  commitment  that  we  will  keep  on  following  him  and  some  of  these  children  to  give   further  explanation  on  God`s  love  for  mankind.  We  are  however  so  much  grateful  that  all  these  children  
made  a  decision  to  follow  Jesus.    
We  had  a  very  amazing  moment  of  playing  games  with  these  children   with  the  aim  of  uniting,  motivating,  inspiring  and  educating  them.   Apart  from  that  the  games  were  to  encourage  them  find  peaceful   solutions  to  their  problems  as  well  as  to  teach  them  essential  values   such  as  cooperation  and  respect  for  one  another.  Games  were  also   used  to  help  them  to  open  up  concerning  the  difficulties  they   encounter  in  life  and  were  the  door  way  to  counselling  sessions.  Most   of  the  children  were  assisted  through  the  time  of  playing  games.    

We  had  a  wonderful  time  of  brainstorming  with  these  children  on   their  specific  needs,  other  than  food,  clothing,  shelter  and  school   fees,  they  expressed  the  following  needs: To  be  accepted  and  loved  like  other  children   To  be  given    opportunities    to  play  and  recreate     To  be  able  to  attend  Church  every  Sunday  and  be  given  an  opportunity  to  encourage  one   another    
To  go  to  school  like  other  children     Not  to  be  laughed  at  or  discriminated  because  of  their  condition   To  be  protected  by  guardians  and  members  of  the  community     To  be  listened  to  and  for    the  guardians  to  respond  to  their  concerns  and  to  involve  them  in   decisions  that  affect  their  lives     To  be  called  by  their  names  and  not  be  called  an  orphan  child  etc.   To  be  given  the  opportunity  to  choose  and  buy  clothes  they  want  to  wear     Not  to  be  robbed  of  their  belongings  by  aunts,  uncles  etc.   To  be  taken  to  hospital  and  cared  for  when  they  are  sick  
This  camp  did  not  only  provide  a  learning  curve  to  the   children  but  also  assisted  us  to  understand  the  needs  of   children.  Due  to  the  needs  and  the  plight  of  children  we   decided  to  come  up  with  community  based  Fathers  and   Mothers  support  groups  which  will  help  our  volunteers  to   provide    care,  life-­‐skills    and  guidance  to  these  children.   We  have  already  started  meeting  with  boys  to  talk  about   different  issues  that  affect  them  and  on  this  picture   Gideon  met  with  the  boys  who  were  recently  circumcised   to  talk  about  life  after  circumcision.    
We  are  so  much  grateful  to  you  for  partnering  with  us  in  brightening  the  future  of  orphans  and   vulnerable  children.  
Gideon  &  Jennifer  Chishamba 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

2013 Preparations Underway

My brother we are so much prepared for another conference next year, because
we feel that it's our time to equip the Church to be able to run the race of
faith without being sidetracked by other diluted gospels. We are and will
continue to pray for the effectiveness of our conferences which I believe
will raise up men and women who fear God and who will influence and disciple
our communities.  I would like also to let you know that the brethren this
side are standing with you in prayers, in fact one of the reasons why I am
meeting with brother Kudzai Chigowi and others next week is to find out
better ways of organizing prayer meetings in our congregations to pray for
you and also for other Christian leaders in rural Zimbabwe.

Again we are so much grateful for all the support you are rendering to us as
Pastors in this country.

Hope to hear from you soon.



Sunday, July 15, 2012

Update: Mind the Gap & Tina Motsi

Thank you so much for the money and the gift for Tinashe.  We are so grateful for this support.  It always comes at such a great time when we are short of food for the children.
Tinashe came home a week last Friday and we had managed to get her bedroom decorated and it looks fabulous.  She is doing well but is in a fair amount of pain especially when she is carried to the toilet. 
The doctors have said there is nothing more that can be done so she is totally in God's hands.  She believes God is going to heal her but not immediately so we keep praying to that end and hope.
Her spirits are very high and her positive attitude to it all has been quite remarkable.  She is quite a special lass.
As for the farm we still haven't taken possession.  It certainly is taking much longer than I thought so I have to be patient which isn't easy!!

Oh we got the birthday cards too, thank you so much they are lovely.
Take care, with love Jenny

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Praying for Hope Fountain

Thank you very much for taking your time to pray for our children right here in Zimbabwe. We would like to let you know that we had a very wonderful weekend of praying for children at risk. Some members of our congregation spent the whole night on Friday praying for children. Apart from the adults our children from Church were also involved in this life changing  event of praying for children in difficult circumstances. We had a good of appreciating God together with them for giving us Jesus who is the shepherd of our lives, for provision etc. We prayed that our children will live a life of resisting all kinds of temptations. We also prayed that these children will affect every sphere of society.
We are soooo much grateful to you that through your trainings we have got children who are geared up to change the world, we pray that they will continue to grow in the knowledge of God.
Gideon & Jennifer

Monday, May 28, 2012

Africa Day Update!

Hi Robin
We are happy to let you know that the sports day was very well attended by children as well as by  some adults. We played soccer ,netball etc with the children and had really fun together with the kids. The adult  women`s netball team was beaten 16 to 2 by the young girls team while the men and the boys played for a draw, 2-2. We had  four Bibles to give to the winning team and one for the sports person of the day. The girls’ netball team won the Bibles while Pellargia who is one of the orphans who live at Peniel centre was the sportsperson of the day and was given a Bible for that.  

We managed to launch the Bible kids clubs on the same day which will be in full swing in the next month. Justice is going to lead these kids clubs. The desire of our hearts is to make sure that every child in this community grow in the knowledge of God. Please keep on praying for us ,Justice and the team that he is going to work with that through the grace of God we raise up God fearing kids in this community. Pray also that their parents and guardians will allow them to keep on participating in these clubs. I have attached some of the photos of the sports day.
Thank you again for praying for us.

Sports day boys.JPG

Sports day girls.JPG

Sports day netball.JPG
Sports day supporters 1.JPG 
Sports day supporters.JPG

Sports person of the day.JPG

Sports day 1.JPG
Sports day.JPG

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Africa Day & Community Garden!

Dear friends,
Greetings to you from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. We would like to let you know that tomorrow, which is Africa day, our Church will have sports day by the school playground to promote unity between parents and children. So please pray that we will have fun with our children in Church and that the games that we will play will enable parents and children to bond together . This is really a new thing in the community for its normally taboo for a parent to play with his/her child but we have realized that this has enlarged the gap between parents and children. We so much believe that united families have got power to transform communities, so tomorrow is our  first day of transforming people`s worldview through sport. 
We are going to launch our Bible kids clubs after the games and we want to do this with the parents so that they will be able to allow their children to be part of these clubs. Please pray with us as we sow the seed of the word of God into the lives of these children.

We are also glad to let you know that as a Church we established a nutrition garden at Mthombothemba primary school with the aim of providing school students with fresh veggies to enhance their participation in school activities and this week we managed to harvest our first fruits from this garden . This is part of our mission to preach Christ through practical ways and we believe that this garden will go a long way in reducing malnutrition ,hunger and starvation at the school and eventually the children will know that there is God who loves them. The desire of our hearts is to see all children in this community grow in the knowledge of Christ . Thank you friends for all your prayers and support. Please find here-in below the pictures of  children ,teachers  and some members of our congregation harvesting the veggies.

School garden 1.JPG

School garden 2.JPG

Friday, May 11, 2012

Mind the Gap Orphan Care

Mind the Gap – Africa
UK office – Mrs. Sheila Stunell, Peckham Park Road Baptist Church, 121 Peckham Park Road, 
London, SE15 6SX phone 0207 639 0836 
May 2012
Hi Everyone,

The amazing news is that we are within days of owning our own farm on which to build ‘Harvest Family Village’.  We have been blown away as we have seen the Lord’s provision for this project.  We have sold our ‘Ebenezer’ home which gave less than half of the needed amount.  The rest has come in through your kindness and we are left with a shortfall of only £8,000 which has been lent to us as an interest free loan.  One church in America gave us a gift of 39,000 US dollars when they heard the name ‘Harvest Family Village’.  They are a church which had recently amalgamated, with one church having been called ‘Harvest Church’ and the other ‘The Village Church’.  What a confirmation of the vision!
Tinashe Motsi

Tinashe is the 12 year old daughter of Ray and Angela.  Angela has been our manager at ‘Mind the Gap’ for the past five years and an invaluable member of the team.   The Motsi’s are more than friends to me, they are my Zimbabwean family.   Sadly Tinashe has been diagnosed with leukaemia and they are now in Johannesburg where she has begun a 6 month course of chemotherapy.  It has been a difficult time for us all as we have seen the intense pain she has experienced and shared the distress of the family.  Please pray for Tinashe and for all the family, Ray, Angela, Hannah, Shaun and Rudo, that they may know the peace that passes all understanding’.  Please pray for the money that is needed for this life saving treatment.  The amount needed is around £50,000 of which £16,000 has already been raised.  

All our children at MTG are very concerned about Tinashe as we are a big family.  They want to help, so we discussed it and agreed if they were willing to walk 10km’s (including Primrose in her wheelchair!) then I would ask my friends to sponsor them – that’s you!!  We have our sponsored walk on 9th June and need sponsors!  I am enclosing a sponsorship slip so if you felt able to sponsor one of our children please fill it in and return with your cheque made payable to ‘Mind the Gap-Africa’ to Mrs Sheila Stunell at the above address.  Or deposit your sponsor money into our Mind the Gap account (details at the end of the letter) and write ‘Sponsor Tinashe’ as a reference.  Thank you.

My family are all fine, and I am grateful for all your prayer, especially for Mary.  There has been an improvement in her behaviour so don’t stop praying!  It has been good to have mum over here for the past six months, she loves it here and has been kept busy with writing, crocheting blankets and seeing friends, in fact she has a better social life than I do!   I have asked her to share her thoughts on life here so read on. . . 

With love and gratitude for your kindness, love and support, Jenny

Dear Friends, 

Greetings to you all as I return to England after my third trip to Zimbabwe.  I have been most grateful for the response that has been given to my book ‘Joy’s Journal’ which was published in Sept 2011.  This is something I never thought possible (even in my wildest dreams).  This has brought in quite a few pounds towards the purchase of ‘The Harvest Family Village’, the vision that Jenny was given as she sees the ever increasing needs of the countless numbers of orphans in the land of Zimbabwe.  This vision is now in the process of being fulfilled, but it will take time before the children are living on the farm as there are still obstacles to be overcome.

It has brought much pleasure and joy to see the small children at ‘The Ebenezer Home’ that opened during my stay there last year.  They all look so happy and healthy and have obviously benefitted from the loving care they have received from their mother and aunties.

The children at ‘The Windles’ have all grown, they are well looked after and cared for.  These are older children but we all realise that none of them have had an ideal start in life, and as a consequence they have more issues to face.  We trust God to bring His wisdom and help into their lives.  Please continue to pray for all these children and for the staff at the homes.

I am thrilled to share the news that the church roof, to which many of you have contributed, is in the process of being completed.  Since this picture the roof tiles have now been put on.  

It has been good to meet the many visitors who have been to see the work of Mind the Gap.  It was a special blessing to have Christina & Jeff, and Maureen & Arthur here, who are friends from my home church in Bridlington.

At the end of my third visit to Zimbabwe – conditions are not much different from my first visit. There are many unforeseen obstacles, always unexpected demands, frequent electricity cuts and an abundance of flies!!  The country is still in crisis with no pensions or no free health care.  Many people have impressed me by their lives as they have overcome problems and poverty, and in spite of their conditions, are living lives fully committed to the Lord and His work.

There is also the inevitable turmoil resultant from living alternately in two different worlds.  This has been an interesting process and a steep learning curve for me (even at my age!).  I thank God for the vastness of His love and for the privilege and richness that my times in Zimbabwe have brought into my life.   Hopefully you may be able to share more in these events in a further publication.   

Thank you for your love, support and prayers. Joy 

(Please note I have a new phone number - 01262 228296)

Bank: HSBC    Name of account: Mind the Gap-Africa   Sort code: 40 02 16    Account No: 11507508
I would like to sponsor one of Mind the Gap’s children to walk 10 km’s to raise money for Tinashe’s treatment for Leukemia.

Name __________________________________________ Address _________________________________


Email _______________________________________________ Phone ______________________________

I am sponsoring a child _________ per km (10 km’s max).  The total sponsored is £___________ for the walk.

I enclose a cheque for £_________.  Or, I have made a deposit into Mind the Gap-Account for £_________.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Update: Delight Mpofu's family

Hi Robin
Thank you very much for your care and concern for Delight`s family. They were in Church yesterday and they seem to have accepted that Delight is in heaven in the hands of the father. We all appreciate God for all that Delight as young as she was accomplished here on earth.
The children`s teachers are all fine and doing well. Justice would like to talk with you this week if you do not mind concerning our plans for the children`s ministry. I will let you know when you can phone us so that we can talk that is if its fine with you. We are seriously planning on how we can effectively minister to children .
Jennifer and Xetsha are all fine.
Please pass our regards to Greg and the children.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Delight Mpofu

Thank you very much for praying for us and for passing the message about Delight Mpofu`s death to the Church. I am quiet sure she must be on one of the pictures that you took. She was 7years old ,turning 8 this coming August.
We really appreciate you very much for praying for us ,for it was very difficult for all the members of Church to really accept it ,most of them are still remembering her testimony. We all realized today that when she gave the testimony she sang a song which is all about going to heaven to be with the Lord and the thing that pains the Church most is how we failed to discern that her going was so imminent. It was so difficult for Church today when we buried her as some of them like Kepalotse Nare failed to give a speech as she vividly remembered how she ministered to her on Sunday only to be told on Monday that she has died. We had to stop the procession for some time to allow some of our people to release their emotions before burying the body.
We also involved some children because we wanted them to really believe that their friend has gone to be with the Lord. Thank you very much for allowing us to share with you both sad and good news. We appreciate you for all the prayers. You guys are a family to us and that’s why we share all that we go through with you. We have inserted here-in the pictures of the children singing during the burial procession as well as the grave of Delight. The girl on the far left(children singing picture) with a blue trousers is Delight`s sister who tried to pull her out of the water but failed. Today as the Church we spoke with the community leaders and they all have agreed to close the well ,for the community not to have more accidents.
Children singing @ funeral.JPG

Thank you again, pass our regards to the whole Church.
Gideon & Jennifer

Monday, April 23, 2012

Praying for the Mpofu Family & Hope Fountain

Dear family
Greetings to you. We are sad to let you know that one of our children from the community( Delight Mpofu) drowned this afternoon into an open well and died inside the well. She had gone to the well to fetch water together with her sister and in the process of getting the water she slipped into the well and the sister failed to pull her out. She then called other people for help but they came when she had already died. She had been one of our best children who recently also testified about what she learnt and quoted the scriptures that she was taught during the March conference. No one knew that this was going to happen and if we knew  we could have recorded her testimony that she gave in the church. We are planning to involve the children and their teachers on the burial of Delight. Please just pray for us that we will be bale to make all our children understand this as they are all shocked and have got questions all over their faces. They were with Delight yesterday and Justice taught them and everyone was so happy and only to be told this afternoon that one of them has passed on.
Some ladies from Church are also struggling to accept this and please pray for us that God will give us both Jennifer and myself the right word of comfort to the Church. We are letting you know about this because you a family to us and we really need your prayers and encouragement .
Gideon & Jennifer (below)

The children at Bible Club back in March.  Delight was there and was where she learned the scriptures Gideon was referring to in the letter above.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Prayers for Tina Motsi

The Motsi Family: 2011
Tina, Hannah, Ray, Angela, Rudo, Shaun
Tina, March 2012 
 Standing with Tina to fight leukemia
Being run by Bulawayo Baptist Church 
and ‘Mind the Gap-Africa’                                                                                                                    
April/May 2012 
Dear Friends,
Tinashe Motsi has leukemia and the estimates are 63,000US dollars for life saving treatment – will you help?
It started in July 2011 when Tinashe was first admitted to hospital in Bulawayo with severe pain and high fevers.  The doctors ran many tests but nothing was forthcoming.  Finally after a trip to Durban, in South Africa, Tinashe was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.  The treatments she received masked the real disease of cancer. 
Tinashe was hospitalised again with severe pain and despite being given morphine she remained in terrible pain and couldn’t move.  She was given a bone marrow test and on 6th April we finally heard it was Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.  This is the easiest type of leukemia to treat with around an 80% success rate.
Tinashe and her parents went to Johannesburg on Sunday 15th April to begin an aggressive course of chemotherapy.
Tinashe’s family
Tinashe is the (12 year old) daughter of Ray and Angela Motsi.  Ray is currently the principle at the Theological Collage of Zimbabwe but previously was the Pastor of Bulawayo Baptist Church for 23 years.  Angela has been the Manager at ‘Mind the Gap-Africa’ for the past five years, an organisation that looks after orphaned and abandoned children.  Both Ray and Angela have given themselves to the 
                                  community here in Zimbabwe over many years and now need our help. 
Tinashe has an older brother Shaun, and two older sisters Hannah and Rudo.  Please pray for this family at this time that they would know ‘the peace that passes all understanding’.
Along with the prayer support this family needs financial support.  There is no free health care in this country.  So far there have been donations of 11,000US dollars.  The family would like to thank everyone who has given and have been touched by the support of so many.  However, this money has almost been exhausted hence this urgent appeal.  
Costs so far
Platelets – 2,500US dollars; Blood – 1,500US dollars; Lumber puncture – 625US dollars; Drugs – 400US dollars   
Hospital stay – 325US dollars per day; Doctor’s fees – 40US dollars per visit (can be up to 3 times a day)

How you can give
Giving in Zimbabwe
If you live in Zimbabwe please direct your gifts to Charles Wawn, The Church Office, Bulawayo Baptist Church, George Silundika/2nd Avenue, Bulawayo.  Please contact us if you require the church’s bank details.
Giving in the UK
If you are able to donate in the UK or are able to pay into a UK bank account, here are the bank details:
Account name: Mind the Gap-Africa; Account Sort Code: 40 02 16; Account Number: 11507508
BIC: MIDL GB 21 15C; IBAN: GB56MIDL40021611507508 
Branch Address: HSBC BANK PLC, 240 Lavender Hill, Clapham Junction, London, SW11 1LH 
Or send a cheque payable to ‘Mind the Gap – Africa’ to Mrs. Sheila Stunell, Administrator - ‘Mind the Gap-Africa’, Peckham Park Road Baptist Church, 121 Peckham Park Road, London, SE15 6SX
Giving in USA
If you would like to donate within the USA please send a cheque to:
Debbie Ryan, 370 La Perle Lane, Costa Mesa, CA 92627.  Please mark on the envelope Tinashe
(Please mark all gifts for the support of Tinashe Motsi.)
Thank you for your prayers and support for a special girl.  Any gift, however small will be appreciated to help Tinashe in her fight against cancer.  If you would like more information or be kept up to date with Tinashe’s progress please contact Jenny Hensman on or Pastor Jeff Scorziell at  
Best wishes, 

Rev Jenny Hensman                                                                                   Rev Jeff Scorziell
Director – ‘Mind the Gap – Africa’                                                            Senior Pastor – Bulawayo Baptist Church